Jun 3, 2008

my Mothers 'Prayer Book'

This is the cover of my mothers Prayer Book. The idea was born out of my trip to Paris where I visited the Notre Dame. Once inside I decided to make a very special prayer to the Virgin Mary in honor of my mother. My friend took the photos while I focused on praying. Unfortunately, it took me 3 years to finally make this book come to fruition. Creating it brings me back to that meditative stae I was in while praying for her. so its doubly packed with loving and protective energy. I know my mother will cry when she see's it. I felt touched by an angel while making it.

Prayer Book Details

(above)The inside cover is a prayer to Our Lady. Since this book was orginally intended for a mothers day gift, I focused on the blessings of a mother. (below) I made a window with doors to open to view The Virgin.

here is detail on inside of window. Of course the paper clips are only holding doors open!